Authors are invited to submit short (up to 3 pages) or full papers (4-6 pages) in English. All submissions will be peer-reviewed based on originality, technical quality and presentation. All papers must include original work not published elsewhere. Each paper must be submitted in PDF format in accordance to the template provided below. Authors can choose one of the two presentation ways: oral or poster.
Short papers (up to 3 pages) will be published only in the conference proceedings. To be published by IEEE Xplore and to be recommended for a Journal publication, each full paper should have a minimum of 4 pages and maximum of 6 pages. However, maximum 2 more pages is acceptable if the charge for the extra page(s) is paid.
Each accepted paper must be accompanied with a paid registration and at least one author must attend the conference and present the paper. Otherwise the paper will not be included into the final conference program and the conference proceedings, and it will not be published by IEEE Xplore.
The deadline for the paper submission is 1 May 2026.
On-line submission