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  Welcome to the 3M-NANO International Conference  

3M-NANO is a new annual International Conference on Manipulation, Manu­facturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale, which will be held for the first time in Changchun, China. 3M-NANO covers advanced technologies for handling and fabrication on the nanoscale. These tech­nologies promise novel revolutionary products and methods in numerous areas of application. Scientists working in different research fields are invited to submit papers for all aspects of theories, technologies and applications related to mani­pulation, manufacturing and measu­re­ment on the nanoscale. All the 3M-NANO papers will be recommended for free-of-charge publication in the Int. Journal of Intelligent Mechatronics and Robo­tics, Int. Journal of Optomechatronics, Int. Journal of Nanomanufac­turing, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering  and Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica.
Conference Registration:
29 August 2011, 8:30-16:00,      Huayuan Hotel, 1F
                                                          (on the campus of Changchun University of Science 
                                                          and Technology);
30 August 2011, 8:30-12:00,      Shangri-La Hotel, Shenyang Hall, 3F;
31 August 2011, 8:00-11:00,      Shangri-La Hotel, Shenyang Hall, 3F.
Special Events:
29 August 2011, 15:20-16:10
Presentation of EU Research Programme (Funding Opportunities), Dr Michela TOMASELLA, Project Officer, Research Executive Agency, European Commission
29 August 2011, 16:10-17:00
Presentation of NSFC Research Programme (Funding Opportunities), Dr Guobiao WANG, Director, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
3M-NANO 2011 Best Paper Awards: Best Paper Award (one), Best Application Paper Award (one) and Best Student Paper Award (three).
Workshop: A pre-conference workshop on selected topics in manipulation, manufacturing and measurement on the nanoscale will be arranged on the first day of the conference. Workshop attendance is covered by 3M-NANO registration fee.
Social events: A major goal of the 3M-NANO conference is to support the deve­lopment of the nanohandling research community and to encourage long-term partnerships and collaborative research activities. The social events and tours will be organized by 3M-NANO free of charge as part of this effort.
Venue: Changchun is the capital city of Jilin Province, located in the northeast of China close to the famous Changbai Mountains. It is a welcoming, modern city with excellent infrastructure and the reputation of being an "automobile and movie city", "city of science and technology" and "granary of north China".
Important Dates

 Full paper submission

  31 March   15 April 2011      

 Proposals for special sessions (5-6 papers)

31 March   15 April 2011      

 Notification of acceptance

              15  May  2011      

 Final paper submission

                       15 June 2011      

 Advanced registration

 15 June 2011      

 Registration for accepted papers

  15 June 2011