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  Registration Information  

Payment of 3M-NANO 2012 registration fee is required from every conference attendee, including the members of the Conference committees and Keynote Speakers. Only in this way we can have sustainable development of 3M-NANO and make a good offer to a significant number of distinguished Keynote Speakers every year (around 25 at 3M-NANO 2012).

The registration fee will cover the costs associated with the opening workshop and the conference, such as conference facilities/services, CD-ROM proceedings, conference banquets, conference materials, and lunches and coffee/tea breaks. A delegate registration fee will additionally cover the attendance to the conference banquets for the accompanying spouse.

 Registration Fee




 Before 15 June 2012



 After 15 June 2012




 Other Fees




  Extra Page Charge 



Extra Paper Charge



Extra CD-ROM




  • Each accepted final paper must be accompanied with a paid registration and at least one author must commit to attending the conference and presenting the paper. Otherwise the paper will not be included into the final conference program and the proceedings, and it will not be published by IEEE Explore.
  • Each paid registration covers only one paper. A second paper from the same author can be published and presented at the conference if the author has paid the registration fee and the extra paper charge.
  • A student registration must be accompanied by a copy of the valid full-time student ID.
  • To be published by IEEE Explore, each full paper should have a minimum of 4 pages and maximum of 6 pages. However, a maximal of 2 more pages is acceptable if the charge for the extra page(s) is paid.  
  • Completed registration form with payment or payment proof must be sent by Fax or Email to 3M-NANO 2012 secretariat, Phone: +86 431 85582926; Fax:+86 431 85582925; Email: 3M-NANO@xatu.edu.cn; 3M-NANO@cust.edu.cn.

Registration Form

  • Please download the 3M-NANO 2012 Registration Form. docIf you are a 3M-NANO 2012 author, please complete and submit it together with your final paper.